| Tárgy | URL | |
| Angol |
| |
| Acronym Finder Look up 268,000+ acronyms-abbreviations & their definitions | http://www.acronymfinder.com/ | |
| Angol nyelvtan - MORZSAK.doc | http://www2.u-szeged.hu/lc/MORZSAK.doc | |
| Angol nyelvtan - Morzsak.pdf | http://www2.u-szeged.hu/lc/Morzsak.pdf | |
| English OnLine | http://www.englishonline.hu/ | |
| Everest Dictionary | http://www.free-soft.ro/index-en.html | |
| Fordítógép | http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTran | |
| Kategóriák Oktatás & Tudomány Nyelvtudomány | http://www.honositomuhely.hu/kateg7n.html | |
| Készülj velünk a szóbeli érettségire-nyelvvizsgára | http://www.sulinet.hu/cgi-bin/db2www/lm/frame/cikk?id=3290 | |
| Magyar-angol szótár | http://www.sztaki.hu/services/engdict/index.hu.jhtml | |
| MoBiDic | http://www.mobidic.hu/scripts/mobiweb.exe | |
| MTA SZTAKI Angol-Magyar, Magyar-Angol Online Szótár | http://szotar.sztaki.hu/angol-magyar | |
| Novoschool Nyelviskola Kft | http://www.novoschool.hu/ | |
| On-line Dictionaries | http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rbeard/diction.html | |
| Szóépítő | http://www.managementkiado.hu/termekek/letoltes.php?id=00001 | |
| Szótár V6.1 pro | http://www.jomagam.hu/programok/szotarpro.htm | |
| Autó |
| |
| Autó típushibák | http://www.extra.hu/tipushiba/#Citroen_Xsara | |
| auto.lap.hu | http://www.auto.lap.hu/ | |
| GUMI EGYETEM | http://www.pasztoy.hu/tec.htm | |
| K U D A | http://www.kuda.hu/contact.html | |
| RADAR - sebességmérés | http://kiss.to/radar | |
| Totalcar | http://www.totalcar.hu/ | |
| Totalcar - A keréktuning buktatói - Tömegek, rugózzatok! | http://totalcar.hu/magazin/technika/peresgumi/ | |
| Totalcar - Autodata | http://totalcar.hu/autodata/ | |
| TotalCar autósszótár | http://totalcar.hu/autosszotar/ | |
| Wankel | http://www.nexus.hu/cash/vaz415.gif | |
| Wankel Rotary Engines | http://www.monito.com/wankel/j-wankel.html | |
| Mazda |
| |
| A Mazda Motor Hungary Kft. honlapja | http://www.mazda.hu/ | |
| Index - Mazda6 - Autó-motor - Fórum | http://tasztal.inventra.hu/forum.cgi?a=t&t=9079007&uq=1011 | |
| Mazda - Az Autó | http://www.mazdaklub.hu/ | |
| MazdaKlub | http://www.mazdaklub.hu/ | |
| mazdaprofi.hul | http://www.mazdaprofi.hu/news/hir_0616_2.html | |
| TotalCar - Hírek | http://totalcar.hu/rhirek/?main:2003.06.05.&134449 | |
| Totalcar - Tényleg ilyen egyszerű volna | http://totalcar.hu/teszt/mazda6gt/ | |
| Egyebek |
| |
| akkumulator | http://akkumulator.freeweb.hu/ | |
| Commtouch Monitors | http://www.unicom-inc.com/allsegments/Commtouch.cfm?Chart=Monitor | |
| Google Hejesírás | http://hejes.szerver.org/index.php | |
| Hungarian Wireless Community | http://hotspot.huwico.hu/panel.php | |
| IHM - Pályázati céljait szolgáló portál | http://kisvallalkozas.ihm.hu/ | |
| Japán - magyar szótár (Tamino) | http://www.japanmagyarszotar.hu/ | |
| Kvadromatika | http://kvadromatika.fw.hu/kvadromatika/qnegyerteku.html | |
| Kyokushin JP | http://www.kyokushin.jp/ | |
| Kyokushinkai a legerősebb karate - G-Portál | http://gportal.hu/portal/kyokushinkai/ | |
| Magyar Virtuális Enciklopédia | http://www.enc.hu/ | |
| Osztálytársak.hu | http://www.osztalytarsak.hu/ | |
| RTV Részletes | http://www.rtvreszletes.hu/ | |
| science-humanbody-body-interactives-senseschallenge-senses | http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/senseschallenge/senses.swf | |
| Sebesség Teszt | http://speed.externet.hu/index.php?+APw-jra+AD0-1 | |
| Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps | http://perljam.net/google-satellite-maps/ | |
| Hardware |
| |
| ACOMP | http://www.acomp.hu/ | |
| ACORP | | |
| AlphaSonic Kft. | http://www.alphasonic.hu/ | |
| AQUA computer | http://www.aqua.hu/ | |
| Carrera Számítástechnikai Kft. | http://www.carrera.hu/ | |
| Commodore 64 @ 933.000 kHz | http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/c64/?page=3 | |
| DISCInfo - DVD-IDE-SCSI-CD Information Program | http://discinfo.rpc1.org/ | |
| HARDWARE HunPAGE | http://www.hwhunpage.com/index.php?f=cv&id=806 | |
| HwB The Hardware Book | http://www.hardwarebook.net/ | |
| HWSW | http://www.hwsw.hu/hir.php3?id=13073 | |
| Juventus Team | http://www.juventus-team.hu/ | |
| Mistral | http://www.mistral.hu/ | |
| NVIDIA DVD Zone - TV-Out Utilities download links | http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/nvidia/tvout.html | |
| PROHARDVER | http://prohardver.hu/rios3_content.php?mod=20&id=658 | |
| |
| Bluetooth Network guide - is it here | http://www.homenethelp.com/network/bluetooth.asp | |
| Vatera.hu - Az Internetes piactér | http://www.vatera.hu/item/view/real.php?cod=309626 | |
| Chip |
| |
| Compuworx Informatikai Rt. | http://www.smartcards.hu/default.asp?tm=4&lang=h | |
| GSM |
| |
| Mobiltelefonok - no63 | http://www.mobiltelefonok.hu/cgi-bin/gsm/commerce.cgi?product=no63&cart_id=1132535.26553 | |
| Nokia Magyarország-JAVA | http://www.nokia.hu/java/moricz.html | |
| PannOnline | https://pol.pgsm.hu/Login/pol_formslogin.asp?URL=%2Fmembers | |
| WinFonie Mobile for Nokia 6100, 6310i, 6610, 7250i and Microsoft Outlook phone numbers | http://www.bertels-hirsch.de/en/products/winfonie/mobile/ | |
| |
| VGA to RGB SCART Direct Drive with ATi Radeon | http://www.idiots.org.uk/vga_rgb_scart/ | |
| |
| Adobe Acrobat Reader for Palm OS | http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/palmbeta.html | |
| AvantGo - GER - JonasGabor | https://avantgo.com/channels/index.html | |
| AvantGo.com - Account JonasGabor | http://avantgo.com/mydevice/index.html | |
| Downloads - CNET.com | http://download.com.com/3001-2360-2305527.html | |
| envi.con Pilot Install Creator, the Palm Pilot Install | http://pinstall.envicon.com/ | |
| Palm dictionary. Multilingual dictionaries for Palm OS | http://www.penreader.com/PalmOS/SlovoEd/articles/Download_area_for_SlovoEd.html | |
| Palm Serial Numbers | http://krekovi.4t.com/sbpalm_ad.html | |
| SqueezeNet | http://www.squeezenet.com/ | |
| Telnet és 5250 (as_400) term progik PalmPilot-ra is | http://www.mochasoft.dk/ | |
| Welcome to Gambit Studios! | http://www.gambitstudios.com/ | |
| IP Phone |
| |
| Sign In Or Sign Up | https://secure.skype.com/store/member/login.html?username=jonas_gabor&setlang=en | |
| Ismerősök lapjai |
| |
| Badacsonytördemic | http://www.badacsonytordemic.hu/ | |
| Combino... | http://www.unioffice.hu/combino | |
| Eötvös Általános Iskola | http://eotvosl.freeweb.hu/ | |
| FOK Kht. (Fővárosi Oktatástechnológiai Központ Kht. | http://www.fok.hu/ | |
| Funthomas | http://www.funthomas.hu/ | |
| geocaching.hu | http://www.geocaching.hu/ | |
| HydroSteel | http://www.hydrosteel.hu/ | |
| Jónás Ágnes HoLNapja | http://www.jonasgabor.hu/internet/jonasag.nsf | |
| Jónás Éva HoLNapja | http://www.jonasgabor.hu/internet/jonase.nsf | |
| Jónás Gábor HoLNapja | http://www.jonasgabor.hu/ | |
| lotusdomino.lap.hu | http://www.lotusdomino.lap.hu/ | |
| mobil.hix.com | http://mobil.hix.com/ | |
| Mordor Studio Home Page | http://www.mordor.hu/ | |
| MVISz | http://www.mvisz.hu/online/servezet.php | |
| Napfonat Bt. | http://www.napfonat.hu/ | |
| Naprolnapra.hu | http://www.naprolnapra.hu/ | |
| Nyíri Family | http://mywebpages.comcast.net/thenyiris/ | |
| Osztálytársak.hu | http://www.osztalytarsak.hu/ | |
| ParrotLand | http://www.parrotland.hu/ | |
| SZÁSZVÁRI SE | http://szaszvarise.uw.hu/csapatserdulo.html | |
| Technocontrol Kft. | http://www.technocontrol.hu/ | |
| UniOffice Rendszerház | http://www.unioffice.hu/Internet/UOWeb.nsf | |
| |
| ADUKÖVIZIG | http://www.adukovizig.hu/ | |
| ÉKÖVIZIG | http://www.evizig.hu/ | |
| FETIKÖVIZIG | http://www.fetikovizig.hu/WEB/FETIKOVIZIG/VIZIGINFO_Start.nsf/frame?OpenAgent&page=pages/indexIN?OpenDocument | |
| KDTKÖVIZIG | http://www.kdtvizig.hu/ | |
| KÖTIKÖVIZIG | http://www.kotivizig.hu/ | |
| OKTVF | http://www.ovf.hu/ | |
| OSAP adatszolgáltatás | http://www.vizugy.hu/osap | |
| Vízminőségi Kárelhárítási Információs Rendszer | http://geo.kvvm.hu/vikarweb/ | |
| Vízügyi Adatbank | http://www.vizadat.hu/ | |
| Vízügyi honlap | http://www.vizugy.hu/ | |
| Media |
| |
| Bloomberg | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=Bloomberg&pver=6.2 | |
| Capitol Records | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=Capitol&pver=6.2 | |
| CBS | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=CBS&pver=6.2 | |
| CNBC Dow Jones Business Video | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=CNBC&pver=6.2 | |
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| CNN Videoselect | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=CNN&pver=6.2 | |
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| Fox News | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=FoxNews&pver=6.2 | |
| Fox Sports | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=FoxSports&pver=6.2 | |
| Hollywood Online | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=Hollywood&pver=6.2 | |
| Internet Radio Guide | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&ar=Media&sba=RadioGuide&pver=6.2 | |
| MSNBC | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=MSNBC&pver=6.2 | |
| MUSICVIDEOS.COM | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=MusicVideos&pver=6.2 | |
| NBC VideoSeeker | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=NBC&pver=6.2 | |
| Radio Station Guide | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&plcid=&pver=6.1&os=&over=&olcid=&clcid=&ar=Media&sba=RadioBar&o1=&o2=&o3= | |
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| TV Guide Entertainment Network | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=TVGuide&pver=6.2 | |
| Universal Studios Online | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=UniversalStudios&pver=6.2 | |
| Warner Bros. Hip Clips | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Windows&sbp=MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=WarnerBros&pver=6.2 | |
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| Windows Media Showcase | http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&ar=Media&sba=Guide&pver=6.2 | |
| |
| 37.com - 37 SEARCH ENGINES ! - 37.com | http://www.37.com/ | |
| AltaVista HOME | http://www.altavista.com/ | |
| CDcovers.CC | http://www.cdcovers.cc/ | |
| Google | http://www.google.com/ | |
| InternetTudakozó | http://www.internettudakozo.hu/ | |
| kereso.lap.hu | http://kereso.lap.hu/ | |
| Megasearch CD Covers Search Engine | http://www.mega-search.net/ | |
| MetaDog.com 1000% Faster Meta-Searching | http://crackfinder.metadog.com/ | |
| On-Line Kereső | http://www.freeweb.hu/olkereso/ | |
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| Teoma Search -- Search with Authority | http://www.teoma.com/ | |
| Yahoo! | http://www.yahoo.com/ | |
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| |
| Bookline Az online könyváruház | http://www.bookline.hu/ | |
| BUDAPESTI PIAC Internet Áruház | http://www.bppiac.hu/aruhaz/ | |
| CHERUBION KÖNYVKIADÓ | http://www.scifi.hu/cherubion/i13.htm | |
| Depo | http://www.depo.hu/ | |
| DVD Futár - Online DVD Áruház | http://www.dvdfutar.hu/ | |
| DVD shop | http://www.xpress.hu/ | |
| eBolt Műszaki Áruház | http://www.ebolt.hu/ | |
| Fókusz Online Könyváruház - a budapesti Fókusz Könyváruház teljes kínálatával | http://konyv.matavnet.hu/ | |
| FotoMarket | http://www.fotomarket.hu/products.php | |
| Gaia Multimédia Stúdió | http://www.gaia.hu/ | |
| Home page of ScanDer Ltd. - Agfa - Heidelberg CPS - Logitech - Microtek - Minolta - Cisco | http://w3.datanet.hu/~scander/ | |
| HWSW | http://www.gepbolt.hu/ | |
| Kelly-Tech Kft. | http://www.kellytech.hu/ | |
| Kiskapu Konyvesbolt | http://www.kiskapu.hu/kiskapu/ | |
| Libri könyvek | http://www.libri.hu/ | |
| Linear Stage Bt. - LS COMPUTER | http://www.lscomputer.hu/ | |
| Marseus Kft | http://www.marseus.hu/marseus.php | |
| McArthurGlen - Designer Outlet Parndorf | http://www.mcarthurglen.at/ | |
| Netdepo Internetes Áruház | http://www.netdepo.hu/ | |
| Netpiac - DVD és VHS áruház | http://www.netpiac.hu/ | |
| Online Antikvárium | http://www.antikva.hu/ | |
| Online antikvárium - Antikvárium.hu | http://www.antikvarium.hu/ | |
| Plantrading Számítástechnika-Storewizard | http://www.plantrading.hu/ | |
| Polifoam | http://www.polifoam.com/index.html | |
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| Ramorg | http://www.ramorg.hu/ | |
| Speedshop webáruház | http://www.mobiltelefonok.hu/cgi-bin/gsm/commerce.cgi | |
| Thököly GSM - Speedshop.hu | http://www.mobiltelefonok.hu/ | |
| XPC Computer | http://www.xpc.hu/modules.php?name=La_boutique | |
| Xpress.hu - Minden, ami DVD | http://www.xpress.hu/dvd/kirakat9.asp?VID=82300307612931697 | |
| Software |
| |
| ADO Connection String Samples | http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htm | |
| DataVision | http://datavision.sourceforge.net/ | |
| DevelopMentor | http://www.developmentor.com/conferences/conferencedotnet/materials/default.asp | |
| Ingyen SW | http://www.zoner.com/support/download2.asp?productID=1 | |
| Macasoft Bt. - Shareware szoftverek | http://www.macasoft.hu/casestudio.html | |
| openoffice - magyar helyesiras-ellenorzo kiegeszites | http://www.trillian.hu/ | |
| PROG.HU | http://www.prog.hu/ | |
| SSADM strukturált rendszerelmezési és tervezési módszer | http://www.itb.hu/ajanlasok/a4/ | |
| Új print to fax driver | http://www.lotus.com/products/fxd.nsf/allpublic/85DF98A11A485541852567CF005F5E29?opendocument | |
| Windows 2000 Magazine Online_ Our Products | http://www.win2000mag.com/update/ | |
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| ASP.NET Web The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site Home Page | http://www.asp.net/faq/AspNetAndIIS6.aspx | |
| http--www.asp.net-projects-cassini-download-Default.aspxtabindex=0&tabid=1 | http://www.asp.net/projects/cassini/download/Default.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=1 | |
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| bhlegend dot com the bosnian classic games archive | http://www.bhlegend.com/php/show.php3?game=1040 | |
| Jedi's HP [Letöltés] | http://people.inf.elte.hu/jedi/down/down.html | |
| The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) - Commodore 64 music for the masses | http://www.hvsc.c64.org/ | |
| The VICE Emulator | http://www.viceteam.org/ | |
| FreeWare |
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| AMPsoft - Freeware programs - Utilities & games | http://www.ampsoft.net/ | |
| EssentialPIM | http://www.essentialpim.com/ | |
| HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser | http://www.httrack.com/ | |
| JAlbum - free web photo album software | http://www.datadosen.se/jalbum/ | |
| jEdit - Open Source programmer's text editor | http://www.jedit.org/ | |
| KRISTAL Audio Engine | http://www.kreatives.org/kristal/index.php?section=details | |
| Text Formatting with OpenOffice.org Writer - OSNews.com | http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8225 | |
| TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Encryption for Windows XP-2000-2003 | http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/ | |
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| DownLoad |
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| Software Installation and Use Agreement - Terms and Conditions | https://www.developer.ibm.com/partnerworld/mem/forms/form_sw_install_agree.html | |
| Eclipse |
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| Using Lotus Notes with Eclipse to manage and run your Java programs | http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/notes-eclipse/ | |
| WebSphere |
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| IBM WebSphere portal catalog | https://www-3.ibm.com/services/cwi/portal/.cmd/ActionDispatcher/_pagr/105/_pa.105/112/.st/N/.piid/139/.ciid/170#170 | |
| Internet |
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| A Slacker's Guide to Javascript Browser Info | http://www.slackerhtml.com/javascript/stats/browserinfo.html | |
| Favicon.com - custom icons for your website | http://www.favicon.com/ | |
| http--www.research.att.com-~smb-papers-fnat.pdf | http://www.research.att.com/~smb/papers/fnat.pdf | |
| IETest | http://ietest.sourceforge.net/ | |
| Regisztráció Internet keresőkbe | http://www.webregiszter.hu/ | |
| Shields UP! -- Port Probe | http://grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1ck2l2 | |
| Szendi Gábor Hogyan legyünk ismertek a weben I-IV | http://www.behsci.sote.hu/ismert3.htm | |
| Trillian - Communicate with Flexibility and Style. | http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/ | |
| Védekezz! . Betárcsázó-védelem Alapok | http://vedekezz.netert.hu/?p=alapok | |
| Java |
| |
| ASPBIFF8 - Project Homepage | http://aspbiff8.sourceforge.net/ | |
| BlueJ - Teaching Java - Learning Java | http://www.bluej.org/ | |
| Columba - Java Email Client | http://columba.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php | |
| Datastream Pro - Datastream Pro -Screenshots | http://dspro.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html | |
| http--pc1.klmsz.sulinet.hu-redei-tk-java.html | http://pc1.klmsz.sulinet.hu/redei/tk/java.html+ACM-V+AOk-gezet+APw-l n+AOk-h+AOE-ny k+AOk-rd+AOk-s, | |
| Integrate COM and Java components | http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-intbridge/index.html?ca=drs-tp4704 | |
| iReport BLog | http://ireport.sourceforge.net/ | |
| iSeries (AS-400) Java Tips and Techniques - Page 4 of 5 | http://www.as400pro.com/TipsiSJava4.htm | |
| JasperReports - Home | http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/ | |
| java | http://metalab.unc.edu/javafaq/ | |
| Java Examples from The Java Developers Almanac 1.4 | http://www.javaalmanac.com/ | |
| java prog | http://www.gamelan.com/ | |
| Java Tutorial | http://www.vein.hu/infores/tutorials/java/ | |
| JCreator - Java IDE | http://www.jcreator.com/ | |
| JPackage Project | http://jpackage.org/ | |
| JRefactory | http://jrefactory.sourceforge.net/ | |
| Laszlo Platform Goes Open Source | http://www.theserverside.com/discussions/thread.tss?thread_id=29237 | |
| Microsoft Java Virtual Machine Support | http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/java/ | |
| PDF Box | http://www.pdfbox.org/ | |
| Samples | file:///D:/Java/Samples/start.htm | |
| SourceForge.net Project Info - CroftSoft Code Library | http://sourceforge.net/projects/croftsoft/ | |
| SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page | http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/ | |
| Tomcat Manager Plugin - Tomcat Manager Plugin | http://tmplugin.sourceforge.net/ | |
| Yoxos - The Eclipse Distribution | http://yoxos.com/ | |
| |
| Cyber School | http://cyberschool.fateback.com/index.html?tips.html | |
| JavaScript Examples | http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_examples.asp | |
| JavaScript Source Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code | http://javascript.internet.com/ | |
| Mouseover with Sound | http://www.ruleweb.com/dhtml/mouseover_snd/sound.html | |
| Nutrockers Scrollbar Stylesheet Color Code Creator | http://www.nutrocker.co.uk/scrollbarcolor.html | |
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| [ThomasWebMűhely] JavaScript Archívum Scriptek Egyéb-scriptek | http://mitglied.lycos.de/thomaswebmuhely/twm/js/egyeb/index.php | |
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| -={ SZeLIn Portál }=- | http://szelin.linuxbazis.hu/ | |
| Index of -physiotools-utilities-wget | http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/utilities/wget/ | |
| LinuxMánia.hu | http://www.linuxmania.hu/index.php?oldal=doku/kezdo/PowerUp/From-PowerUp-To-Bash-Prompt-HOWTO.html | |
| Orlando Unix iskola | http://linux.vv.hu/unix/orlando-unix-iskola/bev.html | |
| RPM resource tomcat | http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=tomcat&submit=Search+...&system=mandrake&arch= | |
| SCO Forum 2003 | http://brucep.webfarmhosting.com/VegasSlideShow/frame.htm | |
| UHU-Linux | http://www.uhulinux.hu/fresh?sid=BJRICPPNISQRJMOM&runmode=art&id=376 | |
| www.linuxforum.hu - Egy kis érdekesség! (LNG) ) | http://www.linuxforum.hu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=484&mode=&order=0&thold=0%20[2] | |
| Logo |
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| Kids Freeware - School is Open Study with Fun Programming | http://www.kidsfreeware.com/School_is_Open/Study_with_Fun/Programming_t.html | |
| Logo programming language | http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/logo_programming_language_1 | |
| MSWLogo, An Educational programming language | http://www.softronix.com/logo.html | |
| Lotus |
| |
| Lotus Easter Eggs | http://www.hitech.com.au/easter/lotus.html | |
| Domino |
| |
| codestore all articles | http://www.codestore.net/store.nsf/all?OpenView&Count=10 | |
| DIRECTORY OF 3000+ LOTUS NOTES PRODUCTS | http://www.lotus411.com/411/lotus411.nsf/43a3d6228a6f7ef08825673600838fc9?OpenForm | |
| Domino Tips - searchDomino.com The Domino Specific Search Engine | http://searchdomino.techtarget.com/tip/1,289483,sid4_gci775630,00.html | |
| DOMINOFILES - The Ultimate Download Site for Notes Professionals | http://www.dominofiles.com/index.html | |
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| Frank Cseh's Lotus Notes Page | http://www.best.com/~cseh/ | |
| gettips.com Developer's KnowledgeBase | http://www.gettips.com:8080/ln/ndtd.nsf/main?openform | |
| Group Computing Home | http://www.groupcomputing.com/ | |
| GSX Presentation Day | http://gsx.net/clients/gsx/gsxhomepage.nsf/Documents/GSX+Presentation+Day | |
| http--www.dominosecurity.org- | http://www.dominosecurity.org/ | |
| http--www.lotus.com-developers-itcentral.nsf-wAdministrationOpenView | http://www.lotus.com/developers/itcentral.nsf/wAdministration?OpenView | |
| IBM Lotus Notes-Domino Hints and Tips - Hints and Tips for using IBM Lotus Notes-Domino | http://www.alanlepofsky.net/alepofsky/alanblog.nsf/dx/application-development-tools | |
| IBM Redbooks Distributing Notes Clients Automatically | http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedpaperAbstracts/redp3693.html | |
| Iris Sandbox - Download Page | http://www.notes.net/sandbox.nsf/Download?OpenForm | |
| Lotus Beta Welcome Page | http://www.lotus.com/rw/beta/dz4hnrny.nsf/keywords/WelcomePage | |
| Lotus Development Corporation -RedBook | http://www.lotus.com/home.nsf/welcome/redbook | |
| Lotus DevNet | http://www.lotus-dev.net/devnet.nsf?opendatabase&doc=document2359 | |
| Lotus Notes - Domino Portal | http://mcroteau.free.fr/Lotus.htm | |
| Lotus Notes _ Domino Portal | http://mcroteau.free.fr/Lotus.htm | |
| MartinScottConsulting_ Notes_Domino Development and Consulting | http://www.martinscott.com/ | |
| Notes-Domino Fix List Database - Notes-Domino MR-MU-CF Status | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/r5fixlist.nsf/Progress/603?OpenDocument | |
| Notes 4.6 Classes | http://www.lotus.com/products/lotusscript.nsf/Notes+4.6+Classes?OpenNavigator | |
| Notes Calendar Print Application Release 2.0 | http://www.notes.net/sandbox.nsf/038726634A4AAA1585256737007511F9/EF3F0D09F912C022852567370054B33D?OpenDocument | |
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| Proposion - Integrating Lotus technologies with Microsoft .NET | http://www.proposion.com/ | |
| Security Glossary and FAQ | http://www.lotus.com/core/content.nsf/a1d792857da52f638525630f004e7ab8/a81d93e58a8612fd85256585005d0dc9?OpenDocument#security | |
| Style Sheets, Tailors of the Web | http://www.lotus.com/developers/devbase.nsf/articles/doc2000030200 | |
| R6 |
| |
| A guide to the Domino 6 upgrade codestore | http://www.codestore.net/store.nsf/unid/EPSD-5NZGS9?OpenDocument | |
| Binary Tree | http://www.binarytree.com/website2000/welcome.nsf/Subjects/BTHome | |
| IBM Redbooks Portalizing Domino Applications Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.01 | http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/abstracts/sg246466.html | |
| Programming posters | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notesua.nsf/0b345eb9d127270b8525665d006bc355/16607886b15d396285256ca30068c20b?OpenDocument | |
| SNUG Short cut keys (No Responses)- Stichting Notes User Group (SNUG) | http://www.snug.nl/home/snugweb.nsf/0/02f1623870004704c1256d31006a0f3e?OpenDocument | |
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| Red Books |
| |
| A guide to the Domino 6 upgrade codestore | http://www.codestore.net/store.nsf/unid/EPSD-5NZGS9?OpenDocument | |
| Advanced RealTime Data Access for the Intelligent Enterprise | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notesua.nsf/0b345eb9d127270b8525665d006bc355/38435a2c380f50c385256c550063ff68?OpenDocument | |
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| IBM Redbooks Lotus Domino 6.5.1 and Extended Products Integration Guide | http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedpieceAbstracts/sg246357.html | |
| IBM Redbooks Lotus Security Handbook | http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedpieceAbstracts/sg247017.html | |
| IBM Redbooks Upgrading to Notes & Domino 6 diagram | http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedbookAbstracts/tips0068.html?Open | |
| JDBC 1.5 | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notesua.nsf/0b345eb9d127270b8525665d006bc355/1e4eb3c5ed6e845285256c770063ac06?OpenDocument | |
| Lotus Domino and Notes 6 Help Template | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notesua.nsf/0b345eb9d127270b8525665d006bc355/d41638bbdf764b0b00256c450035cb01?OpenDocument | |
| Lotus Enterprise Integrator for Domino (LEI) Release 6 | http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notesua.nsf/0b345eb9d127270b8525665d006bc355/e0af7321dbe0db3d85256bac0068ebdb?OpenDocument | |
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| SameTime |
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| SameTimeSTSampleApps.nsf | http://stdev.lotus.com/STSampleApps.nsf | |
| Mail |
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| 2BIG - email-file küldő | http://www.2big.hu/ | |
| MPeg |
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| Morgan Multimedia - Home of the MM MJPEG video codec. | http://www.morgan-multimedia.com/ | |
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| JGimp A Java Extension to the GIMP | http://jgimp.sourceforge.net/ | |
| Open Clip Art Library openclipart.org | http://www.openclipart.org/ | |
| Paint.NET | http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/index.html | |
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| Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) (pkix) Charter | http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html | |
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| Microsoft SQL Server MSDE 2000 Home | http://www.microsoft.com/sql/msde/default.asp | |
| MySQL FOSS License Exception | http://www.mysql.com/products/foss-exception.html | |
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| Az IP hálózatok alapjai | http://www.szabilinux.hu/ip/ | |
| Converting Host Name To IP Address | http://www.breakingpar.com/bkp/home.nsf/Doc!OpenNavigator&87256B280015193F87256CA300788B6E | |
| DNS HOGYAN | http://tldp.fsf.hu/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO-hu.html | |
| IANA Home Page | http://www.iana.org/ | |
| Magyar Linux-dokumentációk | http://linuxdoc.freeweb.hu/egyebek/halozat/tcpip/tcpip.html | |
| Ports | http://www.iss.net/security_center/advice/Exploits/Ports/ | |
| services | http://www.graffiti.com/services | |
| Special Applications - Port List | http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm | |
| Számítógépes hálózatok | http://clmc.topnet.ro/cimek/halozatok.html | |
| TomCat |
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| Apache Tomcat-5.0 | | |
| Domino HowTo | http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/connectors-doc/jk2/jk/domhowto.html | |
| The Tomcat 5 Servlet-JSP Container - Documentation Index | | |
| Tomcat Manager Plugin - Tomcat Manager Plugin | http://tmplugin.sourceforge.net/ | |
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| Poseidon for UML - by Gentleware, just model - Products | http://www.gentleware.com/products/ | |
| SMART UML - Smartest UML Designer | http://smartuml.sourceforge.net/ | |
| The UML Class Diagram Part 1 | http://www.developer.com/design/article.php/2206791 | |
| UML Overview | http://www.developer.com/design/article.php/1553851 | |
| Utils |
| |
| 7-Zip | http://www.7-zip.org/ | |
| Anyedit | http://www.anyedit.org/ | |
| CodePad Homepage | http://shicola.d2.cz/codepad/ | |
| dvdinfopro.com - Home Page | http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ | |
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| Harman2K Homepage - Editor | http://www.harman2k.co.uk/ | |
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| NirCmd v1.56 | http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html | |
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| Nvu - The Complete Web Authoring System for Linux | http://www.nvu.com/ | |
| WebEdit 2002 HomePage | http://www.colin.harman3.btinternet.co.uk/Webedit.html | |
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| XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions) | http://www.ibiblio.org/xql/ | |
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| AltaVista Main Page | http://www.altavista.com/ | |
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| Avid Free DV Overview | http://www.avid.com/freedv/ | |
| DV Accessories Home | http://www.tiffen.com/DVaccessories_home.htm | |
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| Pinnacle Systems - Product summary - Studio version 8 | http://www.pinnaclesys.com/ProductPage.asp?Product_ID=577&Langue_ID=2 | |
| TEPX Product sheet | http://www.imagineproducts.com/TEPX.htm | |
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| Videotools.net | http://www.videotools.net/ | |
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| CD Cover Central | http://www.cdcovercentral.com/ | |
| CD Ref Index Frame | http://www.discusa.com/cdref/cdframe.htm | |
| CDcovers.CC - Over 200,000 Music, Games and Movies CD Covers | http://www.cdcovers.cc/covers.php | |
| Covers Archive | http://www.coversarchive.com/ | |
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| Flexion.Org | http://www.flexion.org/team/okami/list.html | |
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| Remote Selector | http://www.remoteselector.com/ | |
| SMR Home Theatre Audio-Video Magazine | http://smr-home-theatre.org/Interface.html | |
| Spedia.net | http://zoiah.spedia.net./ | |
| SWI | http://www.swi.hu/index.swi | |
| Térhangzás | http://www.dv.bartexinfo.hu/dvd/surround/index.html | |
| The DVD Basement | http://www.dvdbasement.co.uk/ | |
| The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). | http://www.imdb.com/ | |
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